Fifth Grade Ela Reading Non Fiction Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Missing Voices: Nonfiction Perspectives

    Who’s voice is MISSING from the nonfiction text? Use this exercise with your students to analyze missing perspectives in informational text.

  • Author's Purpose Scavenger Hunt

    Challenge your students to find real world examples of the author’s purpose with this text-based scavenger hunt.

  • CGI in Bridge to Terabithia

    This reading worksheet teaches your kid some cool things about computer-generated imagery. She'll read about special effects and practice thinking critically.

  • Ancient Trade Routes: El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro

    Learn some interesting history about some of the oldest, and longest, roads in the U.S.! Your child will learn about a famous trade route to Mexico.

  • Make a Travel Brochure for Paris

    This travel brochure activity summarizes the fascinating history behind the birthplace of the Renaissance.

  • History of the Helicopter

    Take flight with this ode to inventors! See the history of the helicopter, from its conception in ancient China to the modern vehicle it is today.

  • Hanako

    Hanako is a famous ghost story that originated in Japan. Your fifth grader will read about the legend, and then compare and contrast som

  • Make a Travel Brochure for Mexico City

    Invite your students to create a travel brochure about Mexico City and pull key facts from the informational text provided.

  • History of Early Cinema for Kids

    Does your kid know that movies used to be silent and black and white? Learn a bit about the history of early cinema with this reading comprehension worksheet.

  • The 180-Degree Rule in Movies

    These worksheets are all about the 180-degree rule, an important film technique. If your kid loves movies, then she'll love this chance to go behind the scenes.

  • Narcissus

    Meet Narcissus, a handsome and self-centered demi-god who stars in his own tragic Greek myth.

  • Russell Hotel

    Read the eyewitness accounts of sightings at Russell Hotel, then do some comparing and contrasting using the Venn diagram at the bottom.

  • Picture Walk Preview Notes

    Track first impressions of a text and kickstart background knowledge using this efficient organizer. This resource goes along with the Picture Walk-A-Preview lesson plan.

  • Movie Theater Candy

    Do you and your kid know when and how movie theater candy came into existence? Read about concessions that date back to the beginning of movies.

  • The Flying Dutchman

    Learn about the legendary Flying Dutchman, a "ghost ship" said to warn sailors of trouble, and get some practice comparing descriptions of the same topic.

  • Movie Inventors Memory Match

    This printable memory match game is a fun way to learn about five movie inventors and their innovations. See if you can match the inventor with his invention!

  • Roswell

    Students will have some fun with reading eyewitness accounts of Roswell, and then doing some writing responses on the topic.

  • Make a Travel Brochure for Beijing

    What's the best way to get to know a city? Play tourist! In this activity, students create a travel brochure on the 2008 Olympic host city, Beijing.

  • Muramasa Sengo

    Students will learn about the sword maker Muramasa Sengo, read through the eyewitness accounts, and decide who the trustworthy source is!

  • Make a Travel Brochure for Berlin

    About 14 million people visit the historic city of Berlin each year. Give your students the opportunity to study and share historic facts and places in Germany's capital with this brochure exercise.

  • Make a Travel Brochure for Vancouver

    After reading a nonfiction text about the history, sights, and people of Vancouver, your student will create their own informational brochure about the city.

  • Old Hag Syndrome: An Explanation

    Learn about a scary condition called Old Hag Syndrome. Kids will respond to the reading with some comprehension questions.

  • Make a Travel Brochure for Prague

    Students will pick their favorite facts about the city of Prague and create their own travel brochure, complete with a map.

  • Princess Theater

    This worksheet is all about the haunting at the Princess Theater. Kids will read eyewitness accounts and then write some critical thinking responses.