Fifth Grade Science Life Science Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Human Anatomy: Brain

    The brain is the most important organ in the human body. Get a basic grasp on the parts and functions of the brain with this anatomy info sheet.

  • Human Anatomy: Lungs

    Learn all about how we breathe with this info sheet about lungs. Your child will learn the different parts of the lung, including terms and concepts.

  • Human Anatomy: Thyroid

    Do you know what the thyroid does? Learn about our body's largest gland with this human anatomy info sheet.

  • Human Anatomy: Nose

    Did you know our sense of smell is also called "olfactory"? Learn about the structure and function of the nose with this human anatomy sheet.

  • Filtration System

    Kids will cut out the various functions listed at the bottom of this kidneys and intestines worksheet and match them to the correct organ.

  • Octopus Anatomy

    There's not much in the animal kingdom more interesting than tentacles with suckers! Learn about octopus anatomy with this worksheet.

  • What Does the Pancreas Do?

    What does the pancreas do? Kids will check out the diagram, read a paragraph, and put their reading comprehension skills to the test by filling in the blanks.

  • Bone Diagram

    Learn more about the bones in your body and just how important they are with this reading sheet and diagram, all in one.

  • Human Anatomy: Stomach

    How much does your child know about the structure of his stomach? Learn a bit about this important organ with an informative anatomy sheet!

  • Human Anatomy: Pancreas

    If your child is starting to learn human biology, give him a great study sheet with this anatomy worksheet about the pancreas.

  • Grasshopper Anatomy

    Hop right into this simple worksheet to memorize grasshopper anatomy. Match the provided words to the body parts of this hip-hoppin' creature.

  • Spider Anatomy

    Filling out this spider diagram will be much less scary than running into these creepy crawlers in real life. Fill in the body parts from the work bank.

  • Human Anatomy: Bladder

    Learn the basics of human anatomy with this info sheet all about the bladder. Your child will learn the different parts of the bladder

  • Scorpion Anatomy

    Ever try to see a scorpion up close but were too scared? Get closer than ever with this scorpion anatomy worksheet. Fill in the body parts from the word bank.

  • Learn the Bone Zone: Torso

    This kid-friendly, fill-in-the-blank diagram helps your fifth grader learn the technical terms for the bones in his torso.

  • Narwhal Tusk

    What is the purpose of a narwhal tusk? Explore some interesting new findings about the narwhal, also known as the unicorn whale.

  • Biology Basics: Cellular Switcharoo

    Looking for a worksheet to help your kid with his science vocabulary? This printable will help improve his knowledge of biology.

  • Awesome Anatomy: Vision Precision

    Learn all about vision and sight with this life science diagram.

  • Human Anatomy: Intestines

    Read about the intestines, an important part of our digestive process. Your child will see a diagram of this body organ and learn important terms and concepts.

  • Where is the Liver?

    Where is the liver located? Using the diagram as a reference, kids cut out the different parts of the liver from this worksheet and piece them together.

  • Snail Anatomy

    Try this worksheet diagramming a snail anatomy. It takes a snail over two minutes to travel 12 inches, but your 5th grader can finish this worksheet in no time.

  • Beetle Anatomy

    Meet the beetle! Filling out this simple worksheet can help your 5th grader learn the anatomy of a beetle.

  • Crab Anatomy

    Don't be crabby! This worksheets introduces your child to a fascinating crustacean. Fill in the anatomy of a crab using the numbers in the word bank.

  • Squid Anatomy

    Kids love squids! This simple squid diagram will help your 5th grader memorize the squid anatomy.