First Grade Ela Reading Fiction Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Ready, Set, Retell

    Engage reluctant readers with this fun video game-themed worksheet! Students will share what happened at each point in the book as they advance through each level of the retell game.

  • Prediction Power!

    It’s time to put your prediction power to work! However, no one prediction is guaranteed to be correct. In this worksheet, students come up with three possible things that might happen in the book they select.

  • Would You Recommend It?

    Engage your students in retelling stories and sharing their thoughts with this fun worksheet. After reading a book independently, young critics will tell what happens in the story and explain why they would or would not recommend it.

  • Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

    Thumbs up or thumbs down? Help your young reader hone his critical thinking skills with this worksheet that challenges him to write his own book review.

  • Rapunzel Story Map

    Have your little one test her knowledge of Rapunzel with this story map. This whimsical map has space for her to write the problem, solution, setting, and more.

  • So Many Questions!

    As students become independent readers, they may have questions about what they read. Instead of taking the questions as they come up, encourage students to write them down using this handy worksheet.

  • Tell Me About Your Favorite Book

    Students learn to retell familiar stories by sharing about one of their favorite books. Students will share important details from the beginning, middle, and end of the story.