First Grade Ela Word Structure Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Getting Irregular

    This is a great supplement to lessons about irregular plural nouns. Challenge your students to write the plural form of tricky words like fish, spy, person, wolf, birthday, library, mouse, calf, and more.

  • Flower Word Search

    Give your child a fun way to practice spelling and vocabulary with a flower-themed word search!

  • Parts of a Lamp

    Help your little learner get to know her household items with a fun cut and paste matching activity! This one will show her the different parts of a lamp.

  • Parts of Clothes: Sweater

    This sight word activity is all about the clothes we wear! This sheet will teach your little one about the different parts of a sweater.

  • Create a Silly Poem

    Get ready to laugh! This word puzzle asks students to fill in the blanks to create a funny poem about a cat.

  • Parts of a Bed

    Engage your little one with a fun sight words activity, where she'll learn the different parts on a piece of furniture we use every day: a bed!

  • Parts of a Car

    Can you name the different parts of a car? Review some important sight words that we use in everyday life with this fun activity.

  • Spot the Silent Letters

    This fun reading worksheet gets students searching for silent letters in words.