First Grade Math Geometry Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Practice Patterns: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs

    Patterns are everywhere, from math to science to poetry. Here's a worksheet that will help your first grader get better at identifying and labeling patterns.

  • Basic Shapes

    Bust out those crayons, it's time to test your knowledge of basic shapes! Have your first grader sort out these shapes by color.

  • Identifying Patterns: Sports Day!

    Kids practice identifying and completing patterns in this 1st grade math worksheet. Which ball comes next in each line?

  • Winter Find It!

    Challenge your first grader to find the two snowflakes that match in each of these wintry puzzles. He'll be reviewing his colors, shapes and comparison skills.

  • Shape Match

    Help your child practice his skills in geometry with this printable worksheet, which asks him to name the different shapes.

  • Practice Test: Simple Shapes & Fractions

    Help your first grader review what she's learned with this practice quiz all about simple shapes and beginning fractions.

  • Pattern Practice

    Kids practice creating patterns with pictures by coloring groups of items according to the sequences given in this 1st grade math worksheet.

  • Drawing Lines of Symmetry

    Help your child with his geometry skills with this printable worksheet, which is all about symmetry.

  • Pattern Quiz

    Sort out your shapes and colors with this challenging pattern quiz for young learners.

  • Looking at Shapes: Open or Closed?

    Kids sometimes don't distinguish between a shape that's open and one that's closed. Here, kids can see the difference as they classify shapes as open or closed.

  • Identifying Polygons

    What makes a polygon? Get your child in gear for geometry with this shape-shifting worksheet! Color code these shapes to show which ones are polygons.

  • Recognizing Patterns #2

    Mixed shapes and colors in a pattern can be challenging. This pattern game will help first graders with the important skill of pattern recognition.

  • Cone Shapes

    Help your child get to know 3-D shapes with this find-the-shape worksheet that asks her to circle the cone shapes, then draw examples of her own.

  • Identifying the Fraction 1/2

    Help your first grader get a handle on the fraction one-half with this printable math worksheet.

  • Fill in the Blanks Pattern

    Pattern recognition is great for building math and reasoning skills. Fill in the blanks of these challenging patterns with the right colors and shapes.

  • Shape Chart

    I spy with my little eye... some real-life shapes! Get your child to recognize shapes all around him by filling in this shape chart.

  • Shapes in Pictures: My Kind of Town

    Show your child that shapes are more than just lines on a page with this worksheet that challenges him to find all the shapes in the picture.

  • Cylinder Shape

    A cylinder is a 3-D shape that appears in many everyday things. Help your child learn about cylinders by identifying the shape in her surroundings.

  • Symmetrical or Not?

    Help your child with his geometry skills with this printable math worksheet, which is all about symmetry.

  • Recognizing Patterns: Alphabet Fruit

    Kids practice recognizing patterns in this 1st grade math worksheet. Which letter comes next in each row?

  • Color the Pattern: Party Time!

    Kids create picture patterns by coloring groups of items according to the patterns given in this 1st grade math worksheet.

  • Matching Shapes: 3D to 2D

    Help your child practice his spatial perception with this printable worksheet, which asks him to translate three dimensional shapes into two dimensions.

  • Coloring Patterns

    Kids create their own patterns by coloring in the pictures in this creative 1st grade math worksheet.

  • Position Practice

    These dogs and cats just can't seem to figure out where to stand! They need some help sorting themselves out.