Kindergarten Math Geometry Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Jungle Board Game

    Kids get the opportunity to make their own jungle board game and practice their math skills. They will cut out the game markers and dice to begin the game.

  • Fix the Boat

    Do you think this boat can float? Have some fun with your little sailor and build a better boat to replace this silly one.

  • Learning Shapes: Squares

    Can your child help the doggie get home? All she has to do is color in the squares and make a path for him to take to his doghouse.

  • Pattern Practice IV

    Give your child practice finding a simple sequence with this printable worksheet that will challenge his logic and math skills.

  • Sorting Animals

    The animals are all mixed up--can your kindergartener sort them out and count them up according to kind?

  • Hidden Shapes

    Is your kindergartener up for a little house hunting? Introduce her to the world of shapes -- right under her own nose!

  • Find the Shapes: Triangles

    How many triangles do you see? Introduce your young student to shapes and beginning geometry concepts with this fun coloring sheet.

  • Awesome Award: You're a Shapes Champ!

    Celebrate your preschooler's achievement with this cool printable award that officially certifies her as a shapes champ.

  • Finish the Pattern #1

    Pattern recognition is an important early math skill! With this worksheet, your child can review her colors and shapes as she completes each pattern sequence.

  • Color a Tangram Template

    Build reasoning and logic skills with a fun puzzle full of geometric shapes! Your little one can color his own tangram template in his favorite colors.

  • Rainbow Picture Puzzle

    How is a rainbow made? Your child will make a simple puzzle out of a rainbow by cutting along the dotted lines.

  • Easy Tangrams Puzzle #5

    Help your child build logic and basic geometry skills with these tangram picture cards. He'll use his reasoning to re-create the picture on this puzzle card!

  • Find the Shapes: Squares

    How many squares can you find? Introduce your young student to shapes and beginning geometry concepts with this fun coloring sheet.

  • Mid-Year Math Assessment: Extending Patterns

    Assess your students’ understanding of pattern recognition as they demonstrate their ability to extend a pattern.

  • Complete the Mountains

    Gain practice drawing your shapes! Trace the triangles in the picture to complete the mountains in the background.

  • Identifying Patterns

    What comes next? Your kindergartener will have fun recognizing patterns—an important part of early math—with this colorful worksheet.

  • Fun with Shapes

    All of these shapes have gotten their shadows mixed up! Help them get back in order by clipping the shadows out and matching them with the right shape.

  • Easy Tangrams Puzzle #4

    Help your child's imagination to grow with these Tangram picture cards. He'll put his logic and reasoning skills to the test to re-create this picture!

  • Coloring Patterns

    Kids create their own patterns by coloring in the pictures in this creative 1st grade math worksheet.

  • Coins: Nab the Nickels

    Kids completing this first grade math worksheet learn the name and appearance of nickels, find and identify nickels, and distinguish nickels from other coins.

  • How Many Triangles?

    Here's a colorful math challenge for your kindergartener: can he count up all the triangles in the birthday party scene?

  • Easy Tangrams Puzzle #8

    Little learners will love these tangram puzzles, perfect for learning shapes and building fine motor skills.

  • Find the Shapes: Circles

    How many circles make up a snowman? Introduce your young student to shapes and beginning geometry concepts with this fun coloring sheet

  • Farmers Market Map

    Create your own farmers market map with these printable templates! Kids practice following directions to put together the market.