Second Grade Ela Reading Non Fiction Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Shrimp Facts

    Young readers will love digging into this passage's cool shrimp facts, and they'll get a nice reading comprehension workout in the process.

  • Dorothea Lange and the FSA Photographers

    Take some time this March to learn about Dorothea Lange and other female FSA photographers who created some of the most famous photographs ever taken.

  • Tasmanian Devil Facts

    Get all the Tasmanian devil facts on this worksheet, from what they eat to how they got their name.

  • Facts About Capybara

    Read about how the capybara live and other interesting facts about capybara. Sure to satisfy your curiosity about capybaras!