Second Grade Science Plants Animals The Earth Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Plant Life Cycle Flash Cards

    These flash cards serve as an intro to life science, but also help with counting skills and sequential ordering.

  • With and Without a Picture: Narwhal

    The narwhal is one unusual animal! Your child will learn about this horned sea creature through text and pictures.

  • Pictures Have a Lot to Say

    These pictures have a lot to say! The animals in this worksheet don't talkÃbut they can tell you a lot about what they're like by the way they look.

  • Compare and Contrast: Platypus

    In this worksheet, students will read two different passages about the platypus. Kids will compare and contrast the passages, and identify the main ideas.

  • Kangaroo Facts

    Jump-start your kid's excitement about kangaroos! Together, you can learn some cool kangaroo facts, like how kangaroos can jump up to 30 feet.

  • Facts About Geckos

    Get some cool facts about geckos on our reading and writing worksheet! Your little one is sure to be tickled by all the curious facts about geckos.

  • With and Without a Picture: Olm

    The olm is a blind salamander that lives in Europe. Kids will learn how pictures help illustrate concepts with this life science worksheet.

  • Fact or Opinion: The Blobfish and More

    Fact: This worksheet is about unusual animals from all over the world. Opinion: This is the best fact and opinion worksheet ever!

  • Pictures Have a Lot to Say: Big Ears

    Both of these animals have big ears! Your child will look at the pictures of unusual animals in this worksheet and try to learn some new things about them.

  • Animal Research Graphic Organizer

    What's your favorite animal? Kids love answering that question, and with this animal research graphic organizer, they can write all about it.

  • Facts and Opinions: Goliath Birdeater

    The Goliath birdeater is a spider that lives in South America. Your child will read a paragraph about spider before writing an opinion sentence.

  • Facts About Ostrich

    Facts about ostrich include that they are the largest birds in the world and that they can't fly, but that's not all. Learn all about this amazing bird!

  • Silkworm Facts

    Our silkworm facts help your little one understand more about these special invertebrates. He'll read about their life stages and answer some questions.

  • Animals of the World Word Search

    From the blue whale to the Tasmanian devil, our planet is full of fascinating animals. Find a few of the most interesting ones in this animal word search.

  • Your Favorite Animal

    Your child will write about his or her favorite animal. Kids will research their favorite animals online or at the library, then write down three facts.

  • Tasmanian Devil Facts

    Get all the Tasmanian devil facts on this worksheet, from what they eat to how they got their name.

  • Animals Answer Key

    Download this worksheet for answers to our animal reading comprehension series.

  • Help Sandy "Bee" on Time

    Sandy the bee is going to a party tonight. Encourage your 2nd grader to help him get there on time by drawing hands on the clock for him.

  • Fact or Opinion: The Basking Shark and More

    Help your child learn about facts and opinions in this animal-themed worksheet! Students will read sentences and decide whether they express facts or opinions.

  • Under the Sea Bar Graph and Word Ladder

    Count the number of sea creatures and make a bar graph with this shark worksheet. Make an underwater word ladder with your 2nd grader, too.

  • Fact or Opinion: The Dumbo Octopus and More

    Help your child learn about facts and opinions. Kids will read statements about animals before determining whether each statement is a fact or opinion.

  • Blue Whale Facts

    Blue whale facts include that calves weigh up to three tons at birth and adults can be as heavy as 200 tons. Get other cool blue whale facts on this worksheet.

  • Facts About Capybara

    Read about how the capybara live and other interesting facts about capybara. Sure to satisfy your curiosity about capybaras!

  • Peafowl Facts

    Pick up some peafowl facts on this worksheet with vibrant illustrations. Little ones will read about different types of peafowl and answer some questions.