Ontario Elementary Grade 5 Mathematics Curriculum

The following are highlights of student learning in Grade 5. They are provided to give teachers and parents a quick overview of the mathematical knowledge and skills that students are expected to acquire in each strand in this grade. 

Number Sense and Numeration: representing and ordering numbers to 100 000; representing money amounts to $1000; developing the concept of place value to hundredths; comparing and ordering fractional amounts with like denominators; adding and subtracting decimal
amounts to hundredths; multiplying two-digit whole numbers by two-digit whole numbers; dividing three-digit whole numbers by one-digit whole numbers; relating simple fractions to decimals

Measurement: measuring time intervals to the nearest second; determining elapsed time; measuring temperature; converting from metres to centimetres and from kilometres to metres; relating the 12-hour clock to the 24-hour clock; developing and applying area and perimeter
relationships for a rectangle; relating capacity and volume; developing and applying the volume relationship for a right rectangular prism

Geometry and Spatial Sense: distinguishing among polygons and among prisms; identifying acute, right, obtuse, and straight angles; measuring angles to 90° with a protractor; constructing triangles; constructing nets of prisms and pyramids; locating objects using the cardinal directions;
performing and describing translations

Patterning and Algebra: representing a pattern using a table of values; predicting terms in a pattern; determining the missing numbers in equations involving addition, subtraction,multiplication, or division and one- or two-digit numbers; investigating variables as unknown quantities;
demonstrating equality using multiplication or division in equations with unknown quantities on both sides

Data Management and Probability: collecting and organizing discrete and continuous data; displaying data using broken-line graphs; sampling data from a population; understanding mean; comparing two related sets of data; representing probability using fractions

This is an excerpt from the original document. Intention is to quickly help you look at the curriculum and find related worksheets. For complete details and to download original document, please visit - http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/grades.html

Disclaimer: This site is not responsible for correctness and completeness of the curriculum content presented above. In case of any doubt, please refer to the information and/or document on the official website.