First Grade Ela Letter Sound Relationships Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Missing Vowels: Practice Reading and Writing

    To complete this worksheet your first grader will need to look at the different pictures, and write the vowels that are missing in their names.

  • Words That Begin with "V"

    Give your little reader a helping hand mastering words that begin with the letter "V". She'll use sight words to build her vocabulary and spelling.

  • Long "A" Vowel

    On this first grade phonics worksheet, kids practice identifying the long "A" vowel sound by circling pictures. Then they write their own long "A" word.

  • Word Search: Autumn

    Have your first grader identify the words associated with the Autumn season in this word search.

  • Short "O" Vowel

    On this first grade phonics worksheet, kids practice identifying the short "O" vowel sound by circling pictures. Then they write their own short "O" word.

  • Long and Short Vowels: U

    It takes a long "U" sound to make "music"! On this worksheet, learn to distinguish long and short "U" sounds.

  • Short U Long U Worksheet

    Short u long u worksheets help kids practice their phonics skills. This exercise uses fun images to teach kids about all the sounds the letter u makes.

  • Long "E" Words

    Help train your first grader's ear to pick up the long e sound with this worksheet that asks her to sort out words with a long e sound.

  • Short "I" Vowel

    On this first grade phonics worksheet, kids practice identifying the short "I" vowel sound by circling pictures. Then they write their own short "I" word.

  • Short "U" Vowel

    On this first grade phonics worksheet, kids practice identifying the short "U" vowel sound by circling pictures. Then they write their own short "U" word.

  • Find the Long E Words

    Boost phonics and reading skills with a picture-perfect activity, where your little one will figure out which items have a long "e" in their name.

  • "UI" and "UE"

    Help your first grader learn some long u words and letter patterns by reading other ue and ui words.

  • Short Vowel A

    Boost your student's reading readiness with this charming phonics worksheet that will have her identifying words with short vowel "a" sounds.

  • Long "I" Words

    Help your first grader recognize and identify the long i sound in words with this cute worksheet.

  • Long "E" Vowel

    On this first-grade phonics worksheet, your child will practice identifying the long "E" vowel sound by circling pictures. Then he'll write a long "E" word.

  • Vowel Diphthongs: "Oo"

    MOO! That's the sound that the diphthong "OO" makes. Whether your kid is moody or cool, he'll soon learn about this sliding vowel sound.

  • Long "I" Rhymes

    Packed with sounding out, writing, and rhyming fun, this worksheet is sure to help your first grader tackle the long i sound.

  • Long and Short Vowels: "I"

    With this phonics worksheet, kids match picture names to items representing short "I" and long "I" vowel sounds, then glue the pictures to the page.

  • Short "E" Vowel

    On this first grade phonics worksheet, kids practice identifying the short "E" vowel sound by circling pictures. Then they write their own short "E" word.

  • Long "I" Vowel

    On this first grade phonics worksheet, kids practice identifying the long "I" vowel sound by circling pictures. Then they write a long "I" word.

  • Long/Short A

    It's time to check in on those long and short vowel sound skills! Use this fun picture assessment to check your first graders’ abilities to distinguish long and short A sounds.

  • Word Search: Soccer

    Identify all of the words associated with soccer hidden in this word search.

  • Ou Sound

    Did you know the "ou" sound has more than one sound? Get to know this vowel blend a bit better with a match-the-sound activity.

  • Long "A" Vowel Sounds

    Vowels sounds can be short or long. Help your little one see the difference with this phonics worksheet featuring the vowel "A".